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[Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#573125: Bug#573125: otf-ipafont provides ttf

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 10:07 PM, Atsuhito Kohda
<kohda@pm.tokushima-u.ac.jp> wrote:

> With XeTeX and/or LuaTeX, we use directly font name like
> "ipam.ttf" or "iam.otf", then how one can distinguish
> TrueType version of IPA and OpenType version of IPA?
> With XeTeX, OpenType fonts support vertical typesetting very well
> but TrueType fonts don't.  On the contrary, OpenType fonts make
> XeTeX/LuaTeX to run very slowly but TrueType fonts make them
> to run fast.
> I think it is much better if OpenType fonts can be distinguished
> by their extensions.
> Or is it common (or will it be common soon) to call OpenType fonts
> with extension .ttf ?

The OpenType specification says that people can choose which file
extension to use, depending on the need for compatibility with systems
without OpenType support. One should not use file name extension to
find the font, instead use the font name and something like fontconfig
to search for the file associated with the font name. Fonts can be
installed in many different locations on different systems, including
user's home directories and fontconfig solves finding them.



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