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Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] License for the Typo Script font

Quoting Raph Levien (raph.levien@gmail.com):
> Yes, you can consider Typo Script to be licensed under the OFL, and I can
> update any documentation as necessary.
> That said, I'm not yet convinced that it's a great idea to package such
> incomplete fonts at all. If it's missing basically glyphs in the A-Z range,
> then the user experience is going to be pretty horrible when people actually
> try to use the font. My thinking is that adventurous users should be able to
> easily download and install the font themselves, and know what they're
> getting into.

Hello Raph,

Thanks for your answer and confirming the license status of Typo

I'm actuall ynot the one who started the packaging work: this was
another of our team member, namely Nicolas SPalinger. I went on the
font when working on general changes in the SVN repository we use for
font packaging in Debian. Then I noticed that the package had never
been uploaded and looked deeper into it.

I think that at least one argument can be brought to explain why it
can be good to package and provide the font: it gives it some more
exposure and (at least potentially) might help finding people
interested to help developing it. Given the now large prevalence of
Ubuntu, particularly, in the desktop Linux world, that can be an

Anyway, the package will just be part of the distribution, but not in
default installs (as most font packages: we certainly don't install
each and every font package we have in default Debian installs....and
the same stands for Ubuntu).

Again, thanks for your answer and, of course, for your work on free fonts.

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