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Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] Sponsoring a font package


Thanks Christian and Paul for your feedback.  I was told the best
route to get this package in Ubuntu would be to have it included in

I'll fix all of this and upload the fixed package to
mentors.debian.net.  I guess I'll jo'-in the pkg-fonts team Christian.
 I think Nicolas did suggest that, I joined the Ubuntu fonts team not
the Debian team.  I am subscribed to the list.

You are very welcome on both team!
We certainly need motivated contributors like you :-)

Thanks for your efforts around this set of fonts!
As you've probably noticed, it takes time to get the packaging right. It seems there's always some extra little thing that's needed, and then Ubuntu has different expectations as upstream Debian but I'm confident that will your help these fonts will soon be a great enabler for many languages communities. There are experienced developers in this team and I'm pretty sure they will help.

I'll simply add a few suggestions to Paul and Christian's feedback:

- verifying that the metadata in the fonts is correct (seems like in the newer version the license field refers to GPL3 but misses the font exception) - checking the versionning: Aboriginal Serif REGULAR 943.ttf has a 9.430 version field whereas Aboriginal\ Sans\ REGULAR\ 9433.ttf has 9.443: I suggest asking the upstream designer why the font filenames have different versions than their metadata. - you may consider adding a sample text or specimen image to show the capabilities of the fonts (and the beauty of the supported languages!) - adding information about the Unicode coverage would be very useful since it's a rich font covering various blocks: in the FONTLOG ideally. - Adding the Vcs-* fields is also useful (like the others open fonts whose packaging is stored in http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-fonts/)

I'm not sure about how upstream edits the fonts.  I'll have to ask
upstream about this.  I renamed the fonts for looks. The original
names had spaces in them so i replaced them with '-' and lowercased
the letters.  When I do the upload I'll use the newer versions and
keep the names as is.

Maybe you can also ask upstream to consider releasing fonts with no spaces in the name and with first capital letter and the rest lowercase?

As far as making two different packages for Sans and Serif.  I think
I'll work on just keeping it as one package.

I'd say that having different versions of the fonts may be a good reason to consider separate packages: ttf-lg-aboriginal-sans & ttf-lg-aboriginal-serif but it's up to you. You could do a source package which creates two binary packages.

As far as the package name "aboriginal", it is the name of the font
Aboriginal Sans and Aboriginal Serif.  I know it means different
things in different places, but I think the name should stick with the
font package and have a better description to make things clear that
it is  specific to North American Indigenous Languages.

I agree with you. Since this is the name upstream has chosen, the package should reflect that. And as you say the description can explain what is intended.

Then you can add your current work to the team's svn repository:

I'll sent you a little diff against your debian/ folder.


Nicolas Spalinger

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