Quoting noreply@alioth.debian.org (noreply@alioth.debian.org): > Andrew Starr-Bochicchio has requested to join your project. > You can approve this request here: http://alioth.debian.org/project/admin/?group_id=30917. > > Comments by the user: > Christian Perrier asked for me to submit my font package through the pkg-fonts project on Alioth. > Done. I suggest you add your package to the SVN, as it is now (ie what you need to be sponsored). The SVN layout is simple: packages/ contains directories for font packages. There, you create your trunk and, preferabbly tags directories In trunk, you put your debian/ directory (I assume that your diff.gz does not contain any modification not it debian/...if you need to patch upstream files, I encourage you to use a patch system such as quilt) In tags/ you can tag your releases. Take other packages as example if needed. Feel free to ask for advices on the mailing list which I suggest you subscribe to...
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