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[Pkg-fonts-devel] [VAC] Jul 30-Aug 23

This is and excessively crossposted message. DO NOT USE THE "Reply to
All" feature of your MUA. Please only reply in the list you find it in
case you feel it's needed....or reply privately.

From July 30th to August 23th, I'll be offline for holidays.

Below are the specifics for things I'm involved in and which could
need attention:

Extremadura meeting: my backup for organization stuff is Felipe
                     Augusto van de Wiel. From now, please include him
                     in everything related to the meeting, and
                     preferrably use the mailign list

Debian Installer i18n: I'll leave the l10n-sync thing running
                       unattended. It runs under my account on Alioth
                       In case it becomes mad, it can be stopped
                       by setting "run=0" in packages/po/run-l10n-sync
                       (Frans it that scares you, we may consider an
                        alternative option)

                       I also leave the l10n-stats script running to 
                       generate status pages.

                       Committing new translations in the various
                       packages SVN/CVS/BZR is suspended. Anyway, you
                       send updates to the BTS, people...:-)

Font package: No co-maintenance here. These usually need no special
              care. NMU welcome in case something bad happens

Shadow package: Nicolas François can handle maintenance. He might need
                sponsoring in case an update is needed (but we'll be
                on freeze). Nicolas, I suggest you branch shadow for
                etch when the freeze will be announced.
                Please welcome Nicolas requests for sponsored uploads in
                case he needs some. You can trust him blindly.

French l10n: Merci de prendre le relais pour les traductions dont je
             suis responsable et pour lesquelles une mise à jour est

             Cela peut comprendre des mises à jour dans le "master
             file" de l'installateur. Denis Barbier et Philippe
             Batailler ont accès commit. Au cas où ils soient absents,
             vous pouvez demander à Frans Pop de faire un commit.


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