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Re: Is it possible to target rule in one table to a user defined chain in another?

On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 07:30:08PM +0300, ??????????? ?????? wrote:
> Is it possible to target rule in one table to a user defined chain in
> another?


> For example:
> 1. Adding my own chain to filter table
> # iptables -N MY_CHAIN
> 2. Add a rule in nat table targeting MY_CHAIN from filter table
> # iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -s -d -j MY_CHAIN
> the last results in:

But you can mark (--mark) packets in nat table, and base on this mark, direct
them to MY_CHAIN in filter table.

Marek Barczyk 
mail: mbarczyk@post.pl | jid:thot@chrome.pl

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