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Re: FWbuilder 2.0.10 on Sarge

> Not sure if I'm using the right list... no doubt someone will tell me if
> I didn't :-)

Your question's more about packaging than firewalls...

> My dillema is: I'd very much like to stick with Debian Sarge while also
> being able to keep up with an important tool I use for generating
> firewall scripts. I also very much like to stick with the Debian package
> management system (one of the reasons for the rock solid stability of
> Debian).

If you don't mind contaminating your system with packages outside of stable, 
you could add the line
	Apt::Default-Release "stable";
to /etc/apt/apt.conf. So apt will select "stable" packages over
packages from other sources. This allows you to add testing or unstable
sources to /etc/apt/sources.list, apt will still use stable. 
Then, if you want something from testing, you'd say
	aptitude install something/testing
	aptitude -t testing install something

The second command will pull in dependencies from testing as well, which
makes your life easier but might install a lot of packages from testing,
with no easy way back to stable. 

Other problems with 'not stable' packages are the security support for
testing (consider unstable) and that packages are taken automatically 
from other sources if they don't exist in stable.

Oh well, a lot of text for an off-topic question :-)

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