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Re: Block IP adresses via DHCP ?

On Tuesday, 09.08.2005 at 13:07 +0200, bratac@t-onleine.com wrote:

> i use dhcp3d to assign specific hosts in my network fixed ip adresses
> via MAC. Works fine ...
> But is it possible to "block" an IP if someone tries to manualy set up
> an IP Adress on his host ?
> Eg. dhcpd will assign to the mac 00:11:22:33:44:55:66.
> Someone other is trying to set up the ip on his host and
> should get the message that the ip is allready in use ...

You certainly can't do that by configuring your DHCP server, since
obviously it isn't consulted if someone hardcodes their IP.

What you might want to look into is:

(a) Using MAC addresses rather than IP addresses in your firewall rules
to restrict what the manually configured client can do.  Unless you only
have a handful of clients, this will make your firewall rules very
complicated and also probably slow and inefficient;


(b) Work at a lower level, using MAC control management on a managed
network switch, for example;


(c) Lock down the clients so that they can't have their IP config
changed under normal use.

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Dave Ewart - davee@sungate.co.uk - jabber: davee@jabber.org
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