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ip6tables can't initialize any tables

Hello list!

I don't have any idea of why the following is happening with ip6tables:

# ip6tables -L
ip6tables v1.3.0: can't initialize ip6tables table 'filter': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.

However iptables (for ipv4) works perfectly with a pretty huge ruleset of mine. I use kernel 2.6.10 now, no clue what would be with an older one, but i think this is not the source of the problem. The kernel was compiled with near all options related to IPv6, BUT without module support. I imagine the absence of the module support isn't the problem neither, because iptables (ipv4) couldn't work too
(if i'm not wrong about it).
The older versions of iptables package does the same effect, with expanding the errormessage with 'iptables who?'. I did a google to it and found the same problem on many platforms and on many distribution of Linux, without
any clue how to solve this.
Iptables 1.3.0 was compiled as said in it's README, but the earlier 1.2.6a version i used before, was installed with apt via dselect, but produced the same effect as I wrote before, so the installation/compilation could also not be the cause of the problem (my imagination), because the 1.2.6a package is produced specifically for the Debian
distribution, hence the source was apt from the official Debian updates.
Lastly I will check out the sourcecode around the errormessage, maybe i will find something, but if anyone has info
about this problem, I would appreciate the help.

Thank you!

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