Re: Dynamic port opening and forwarding?
Hi Olly,
Including the rest of your firewall ruleset in your next post would be a
great start.
(not everyone on the list has ESP)
Some more detail on your environment would help too..
-----Original Message-----
From: Oliver Schaper <>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 09:42:44 +0200
Subject: Dynamic port opening and forwarding?
> Hi all!
> I want to open and forward a port on my gateway kinda dynamically.
> I.e. I want to open port 3898/TCP and forward it to
> As far as I got the manuals right this can be done using iptables.
> So I wrote a small batch file which is using 3 parameters, the IP
> adress and
> the port. This batch is to be called when I need it, so after the
> connection of my gateway is already established.
> Calling "./portfwd 3898 TCP" should do the trick.
> Here's my batch...
> iptables -A xtaccess -p $3 --dport $2 -j ACCEPT
> iptables -A portfwf -p $3 -m state --state NEW -d $1 --dport $2 -j
> But it doesn't seem to work, although there are no error messages at
> all. :/
> The rules are visible, when i use "iptables --list".
> Any hints someone? Would be great.
> Olly.
> --
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