Well you could always try E-Bay or you're local Computer
Sunday Market as they have things like this but I'll be honest I've never seen a
ISA USB card but then again I've never looked for on so I don't know. But those
are the best places to start looking.
Cheers and best of Luck
OK, I have installed webmin with the iptables module and it works, but now I have a problem... The used Computer is Overkill for the Router ! Curently I am using a Duron 1600 because my Standard-Router is a Am5x86/133 and has no USB-Interface Because my Thomson SpeedTouch 330 USB is now working very fine with my selfcompiled speedtouch-Backport from SID I have no need for a Ethernet-ADSL-Modem. Now the OT-Question: Does anyone know, where I can get a USB 1.1 Card for ISA ? I know, that they exist, but where and do they work with Linux ? Oh yes, my Am5x86/133 has four 3c905B, one 3c515TX and one 3c509B. The Last one is hat I like to change to the USB-Card. Note: I was searching (international) on <http://www.ebay.de/> but without luck. Greetings Michelle |