Re: iptables: just a simple routing rule
On Sat, Dec 27, 2003 at 02:31:31PM +0100, Pierre-Vincent Ledoux wrote:
> I have a sub-network, 3 stages upper, 10.0.0.*
> One of the box on this subnetwork is a debian box connected both on the
> 192... with a wireless card and on 10... with a ethernet card.
> I just want that this debian box route everything form 10... to the wireless
> router and everything that come form 192. route to 10.
> How can I do that ?
> internet
> |
> router(
> /(wireless)
> deb box(
> |
> subnetwork(10.0.0.*)
Your question is more a routing question than an iptables question ;-)
Anyway, normally the only you have to do is enabling ip forwarding on
the Debian Box.
# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
The network interfaces are already setup on the Debian box, so the
routing tables should be ok. You can verify them with the "route -n"
On the systems in the subnet behind the Debian box you need to add a default
route to the Debian Box (10.0.0.x):
# route add default gw ip_address_10_debian_box
if you're using Linux.
On the systems in the 192.168.0.x subnet you need to add a route to the
10.0.0.x subnet:
# route add -net gw ip_address_192_debian_box
It is also possible to add this last route to the wireless router.
Staf Wagemakers
email: staf at
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