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Re: Blocking mail

Replying to the message sent by Jamin W. Collins  on Fri, 20 Jun 2003 12:15:17 -0600, received at 13:52:45 on 21/06/2003. Jamin W. Collins wrote:
>On Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 05:54:00PM +0100, Ken Gilmour wrote:
>>Is there a way to block a specific sub domain name from mailing
>>externally either on the computer itself or on the firewall without
>>fully blocking all mail from going outside?
>Yea, configure your mail server to only send what it should.  Block
>all internal connections out to port 25 except those originating
>from the sanctioned mail server.

If i block all internal connections would they be able to send mail internally or would they be blocked from sending mail alltogether?

>Jamin W. Collins
>This is the typical unix way of doing things: you string together
>lots of very specific tools to accomplish larger tasks. -- Vineet

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