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fwanalog does not mail reports

Hello list.

Is this the right list for this !?

I configured fwanalog to report to user root for which mail is then 
forwarded to me.  I receive no log although the report gets properly
created in /var/log/fwanalog.

I ran the script by hand. same thing, report gets created but not sent. 
I then ran "strace /usr/sbin/fwanalog".  Sorry, no bonus !   I saw
nothing related to sending emails !

I looked at the content of "/usr/sbin/fwanalog", nothing again.  No
"send_report" or something like that !

I pasted the content of "/etc/cron.d/fwanalog" into "/etc/crontab" just
to be sure it was not related to anything with za "cron.d" folder. 
Nothing, no mail at all, even by removing "&>/dev/null" at the end of
the entry.

TIA and, Have a peaceful week-end, if you can.

Dominique Fortier <dfortier@Dominique.Mtl.IStop.COM>

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