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RE: script init

> -----Original Message-----
> From: sim ton [mailto:firewall38@lycos.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 5:20 AM
> To: debian
> Subject: script init
> so my firewall is almost good :)
> but i want to init it at any reboot ...
> i've heard of iptables-save and i used it but i don't really 
> know how it works because it didn't work
> so i just need a easy solution which is running my script 
> firewall.sh at any reboot

Assuming you have your firewall.sh script in /etc/init.d, you can do

# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/firewall.sh
# cd /etc/rc2.d   [or whatever is default runlevel]
# ln -s /etc/init.d/firewall.sh S90firewall

This creates a symbolic link to the actual firewall script:  in the
/etc/rc#.d directories, the higher the S##, the later it loads at boot
time.  So S10<script> will run before S11<script>, and S99<script> would
be the very last.  It's up to you when you want it to run (before or
after the other programs); some people say the firewall should be the
very *first* thing.

Repeat for each runlevel that you want the firewall to protect.  I
believe Debian starts in runlevel 2 by default, but you can verify what
you're currently using by just typing "runlevel" at a prompt.  This,
BTW, is set in /etc/inittab...

For now, don't add it to runlevel 0, 1 or 6, which equate to "halt"
(power-down), "single-user" (barely anything running) and "reboot".  0
and 6 need a different symlink, i.e. K90firewall (S for start, K for
kill).  And it would be pointless, because your script probably doesn't
parse start|restart|stop, etc; in fact, the effect would be
counterproductive, turning it ON instead of off.

Alright, that's one way to run your firewall.  Another is with
"update-rc.d" (which is specific to Debian, and similar to RedHat's
"chkconfig").  If you want more information on it, try "man
update-rc.d".  :)


Jeff Bonner

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