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Re: Internal Routing for NAT

Hello Ryan,

I have the same problem, I think this happen because the local connections incomming in the chain FORWARD and don't pass in the chain PREROUTING so they aren't been filtered, but is possible that i'm wrong. 
Someone can help us?
Thanks ALL


> Hi. I have a NAT setup and working fine using the following settings.
>         $IPTABLES -I PREROUTING  -p tcp -t nat -d --dport 25 -j
> DNAT --to
>         $IPTABLES -A INPUT -i eth0 -d -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
> For some reason when I connect from the local router the connections are not
> being nated. They end up routing to the local machine on port 25. What can I
> do to fix this?
> -Ryan
> -- 
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Henrique Pedroni Neto
Administrador de Rede - ITAL (http://www.ital.org.br)
E-mail: henrique@ital.org.br
UIN: 8146255
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