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Re: apache 1.3.23 ipv6 binary

Jeroen Massar wrote:

Craig Small [mailto:csmall@eye-net.com.au] wrote:

I'm confused about this ssh doesn't work in IPv6 problems people are
having. I got ssh 3.4p1 here and it does IPv6.  Sure I need a -- -6
in the init.d script but that's a minor annoyance.

"minor" if you only got 1 IPv6 enabled box, if you got a couple of them
and one has to update all those init.d's by hand on all of them it's
to get more annoying.

Yep, it's the same here.
At the moment I have 12 IPv6 Boxes (11 i386 and one UltraSPARC) with debian.

greets uwe
X-Tec GmbH
Institute for Computer and Network Security
WWW : http://www.x-tec.de/

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