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Re: Firewall, dhcp, dyndns client on floppy

On Thu, 25 Oct 2001 22:49:00 +0200 (MEST),
  Ole Sebastian Stein <osstein@stud.ntnu.no> wrote:
> I've looked (briefly) at some solutions:
> LRP (Linux Router Project)
> Coyote Linux
> www.bbiagent.net  (non gpl linux thingy)
> Does any have any experience with these?  Can they do what we need?

You should look at each of those to see if they specifically support what you're looking at. Duh.

In my personal experience(I've used both LRP, Coyote, and a dozen other one-floppy firewalls), Coyote Linux is definetly above-par. Very good. Of course, I could set it up without the Windows app they charge you for, but it's not like they make it hard to do things on your own :)

/    David Barclay Harris            Aut agere, aut mori.      \
\        Clan Barclay              Either action, or death.    /

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