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Re: Ingress filtering

On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 01:34:52AM +0100, Pedro Corte-Real wrote:
> and But the third one I thought was but this 
> resolves to instead of
> What did I do wrong?

u did nothing wrong, the base address of a network is most of the time not
without ambiguity. You need to give eighter the end of the address range or
the number of addresses. This is because all bits from rihght to left which
are set to zero can be net or host part.

> Is this kind of filtering right to begin with?

Well, perhaps you need to explain what you have done and what u want to do.

  (OO)      -- Bernd_Eckenfels@Wendelinusstrasse39.76646Bruchsal.de --
 ( .. )  ecki@{inka.de,linux.de,debian.org} http://home.pages.de/~eckes/
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