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Re: IP fw-in deny (?)

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Robert de Forest wrote:

> If your cable modem is as simple as a hub you could probably snoop people's
> traffic without assigning them an IP. I think this is something a lot of
> people are going to be unaware of, and it's going to be a big security
> hole.

Yikes.  I figured it was similar to DSL, where a bunch of people are on
the same network, but the DSL "modem" is a bridge, so you only get your
own traffic and broadcast traffic.  If it's really just a hub and you get
non-broadcast traffic to which you are not a party, it's bound to be
abused sooner or later.
Mark Rafn    dagon@halcyon.com    <http://www.halcyon.com/dagon/>   !G
"Government is not suggestion nor persuasion, it is force.  When you advocate
any government action, you first must believe that violence is the best answer
to the question at hand." -- Laws of the Jungle, by Allen Thornton

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