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IPmasq from 2.0 to slink, and what about aliases..?

 i'm not sure what to do about this, but i had problems with upgrade...
i had impasq package installed and working.. then i upgraded system... 
everythink was going fine...until some day i've decided that it's about
time to upgrade kernel and maybe few more things i've delayed not to
reboot the system..
 The thing is..that although ipmasq upgrade removed ipmasq.conf files it
left out some init.d/ entries and with that my system was fireing
masqarade (old...from 2.0) without ipmasq.files... which led to denys on
all interfaces in and out.. new ipmasq been fired before..
 Anyway.. this made me sick for couple of hours ..
Maybe that's why i'm writing so strangely..
.. so what i want is someone to tell me where can i find a list of such ee
bugs? not to shout out about already solved problems..
 Another thing is that new ipmasq uses enumerate-interfaces or sth... 
causing messages in logs saying sth about non-existent eth0_1 interface
instead of eth0:0

Eeee. my message is somewhat blury.. hope I'll be able to ee describe my
thoughts more clearly next time... sorry.

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