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min. requirements revisited

[Please Cc: me with your replies]

As many of you pointed out, I didn't mention the bandwidth: this would sit
on a 100bT network (though some machines are still connected through 10bT)
and we have an almost decent T1 connection to the Internet...
No squid or anything like that.
If this goes well, I may end up outfitting the entire building (or at
least several more departments), people here are getting sick of
their computers being broken into with scripted attacks (of course,
patching your system helps, but anything is better than nothing).

Speak softly and carry a +6 two-handed sword.

D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. (jinn@irony.org)
finger jinn@irony.org for PGP public key
ICQ #28708130 

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