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Re: Masquerading

Jens Hellmerichs-Friedrich wrote:

> Result:
> 1) I don´t want to allow any connection with destination adress
>    of my firewall

Besides the (IMO) recommended option of using UUCP, can you explain me
why not? If you want to use SMTP for incoming mails there just *has* to
be an official IP number to use for the SMTP host and what other
number would you like to choose? It doesn't matter whether the SMTP
port is really handled on the firewall or on some machine behind it.
(Besides the fact that you'd better use either a TCP wrapped sendmail
that accepts connections from your provider only or a sendmail wrapper.)



Jochen Wiedmann						joe@ispsoft.de
On the 8th day god created email. And got noted		+49 7123 14887
the world was good. Then the devil added HTML mail...

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