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Suggestions for improving debian faq and dselect tutorial

In section 6-11 of The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ 
(http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/debian-faq-6.html#ss6.11) I think that the
following changes would be very helpful:

-Add that the want flags are indicated by the letters O (Old mark) and M
(Mark) on the dselect screen.
-Give the symbol used in dselect to represent each of the states:
unknown  n
install  *
remove   -
purge    _
hold     =

Regarding the dselect tutorial 

-Add section 6-11 of the FAQ (including my additions above) after the flags
E,I,O,M are introduced.
-In that very same location, change "Rather that spell all this out" to
"Rather than spell all this out".
-The explanation of the key R is "Cancels all selections at this level.  Does
not affect selections made at the previous level."  I have no idea what
"level" means.  The concept of "level" is not discussed elsewhere in the
-It would be very helpful to explain how to undo *all* changes that were made
(by me or the dselect program due to dependencies), i.e. put dselect back in
the state it was in before it was last run.  It looks like X might be what
I'm looking for, but what if I don't want to exit?

Thanks for the documentation.  Feel free to email me what you think of my
suggestions, and whether you intend to do them, if it pleases you.  All of my
suggestions DEFINITELY need to be checked for accuracy and correctness.

Greg Reagle     greagl1@umbc.edu     http://www.gl.umbc.edu/~greagl1
My opinions are ONLY mine and not those of my employer(s) or the "chihuahua".
Mon avis est seulement le mien; il n'est pas celui de mon employeur.

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