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faq suggestion


in <debian-faq-13.html#ss13.2>, there is a line which reads:

* On any Debian system with the doc-debian package installed. The
instructions are in the file /usr/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt

I suggest making the reference to the file a link: <a
href="file:/usr/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt">. This way, should the user be
browsing local documentation, this local resource will be quickly accessible
so that the user doesn't have to either cut and paste that link or get that
info from the WWW. (I suppose the same would go for other resources
mentioned in the FAQ, such as linking the email addresses on that same page



Michael Stutz  .  http://dsl.org/m/  .  copyright disclaimer etc
stutz@dsl.org  :  finger for pgp     :  http://dsl.org/copyleft/

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