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Accepted uwsgi 2.0.15-5 (source) into experimental

Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2017 14:55:49 +0200
Source: uwsgi
Binary: uwsgi uwsgi-dbg uwsgi-src uwsgi-dev uwsgi-core uwsgi-emperor uwsgi-plugins-all uwsgi-infrastructure-plugins uwsgi-app-integration-plugins uwsgi-plugin-alarm-curl uwsgi-plugin-alarm-xmpp uwsgi-plugin-curl-cron uwsgi-plugin-emperor-pg uwsgi-plugin-glusterfs uwsgi-plugin-rados uwsgi-plugin-rbthreads uwsgi-plugin-fiber uwsgi-plugin-geoip uwsgi-plugin-graylog2 uwsgi-plugin-gevent-python uwsgi-plugin-greenlet-python uwsgi-plugin-asyncio-python uwsgi-plugin-asyncio-python3 uwsgi-plugin-tornado-python uwsgi-plugin-gccgo uwsgi-plugin-jvm-openjdk-8 uwsgi-plugin-jwsgi-openjdk-8 uwsgi-plugin-ring-openjdk-8 uwsgi-plugin-servlet-openjdk-8 uwsgi-plugin-ldap uwsgi-plugin-lua5.1 uwsgi-plugin-lua5.2 uwsgi-plugin-luajit uwsgi-plugin-mono uwsgi-plugin-psgi uwsgi-plugin-python uwsgi-plugin-python3 uwsgi-plugin-rack-ruby2.3 uwsgi-plugin-router-access uwsgi-plugin-sqlite3 uwsgi-plugin-php uwsgi-plugin-xslt libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi-dbg libapache2-mod-uwsgi
 libapache2-mod-uwsgi-dbg libapache2-mod-ruwsgi libapache2-mod-ruwsgi-dbg python-uwsgidecorators python3-uwsgidecorators
Architecture: source
Version: 2.0.15-5
Distribution: experimental
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: uWSGI packaging team <pkg-uwsgi-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Jonas Smedegaard <dr@jones.dk>
 libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi - uwsgi proxy module for Apache2 (mod_uwsgi)
 libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi-dbg - debugging symbols for Apache2 mod_proxy_uwsgi
 libapache2-mod-ruwsgi - uwsgi module for Apache2 (mod_Ruwsgi)
 libapache2-mod-ruwsgi-dbg - debugging symbols for Apache2 mod_Ruwsgi
 libapache2-mod-uwsgi - uwsgi module for Apache2 (mod_uwsgi)
 libapache2-mod-uwsgi-dbg - debugging symbols for Apache2 mod_uwsgi
 python-uwsgidecorators - module of decorators for elegant access to uWSGI API (Python 2)
 python3-uwsgidecorators - module of decorators for elegant access to uWSGI API (Python 3)
 uwsgi      - fast, self-healing application container server
 uwsgi-app-integration-plugins - plugins for integration of uWSGI and application
 uwsgi-core - fast, self-healing application container server (core)
 uwsgi-dbg  - debugging symbols for uWSGI server and it's plugins
 uwsgi-dev  - fast, self-healing application container server (headers)
 uwsgi-emperor - fast, self-healing application container server (emperor scripts)
 uwsgi-extra - fast, self-healing application container server (extra files)
 uwsgi-infrastructure-plugins - infrastructure plugins for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-alarm-curl - cURL alarm plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-alarm-xmpp - XMPP alarm plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-asyncio-python - asyncio plugin for uWSGI (Python 2)
 uwsgi-plugin-asyncio-python3 - asyncio plugin for uWSGI (Python 3)
 uwsgi-plugin-curl-cron - cron cURL plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-emperor-pg - Emperor PostgreSQL plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-fiber - Fiber plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-gccgo - GNU Go plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-geoip - GeoIP plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-gevent-python - gevent plugin for uWSGI (Python 2)
 uwsgi-plugin-glusterfs - GlusterFS storage plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-graylog2 - graylog2 plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-greenlet-python - greenlet plugin for uWSGI (Python 2)
 uwsgi-plugin-jvm-openjdk-8 - Java plugin for uWSGI (OpenJDK 8)
 uwsgi-plugin-jwsgi-openjdk-8 - JWSGI plugin for uWSGI (OpenJDK 8)
 uwsgi-plugin-ldap - LDAP plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-lua5.1 - Lua WSAPI plugin for uWSGI (Lua 5.1)
 uwsgi-plugin-lua5.2 - Lua WSAPI plugin for uWSGI (Lua 5.2)
 uwsgi-plugin-luajit - Lua WSAPI plugin for uWSGI (LuaJIT)
 uwsgi-plugin-mono - Mono/ASP.NET plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-php - PHP plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-psgi - Perl PSGI plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-python - WSGI plugin for uWSGI (Python 2)
 uwsgi-plugin-python3 - WSGI plugin for uWSGI (Python 3)
 uwsgi-plugin-rack-ruby2.3 - Rack plugin for uWSGI (${uwsgi:RubyKind})
 uwsgi-plugin-rados - Ceph/RADOS storage plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-rbthreads - Ruby native threads plugin for uWSGI (${uwsgi:RubyDefaultkind})
 uwsgi-plugin-ring-openjdk-8 - Closure/Ring plugin for uWSGI (OpenJDK 8)
 uwsgi-plugin-router-access - Access router plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-servlet-openjdk-8 - JWSGI plugin for uWSGI (OpenJDK 8)
 uwsgi-plugin-sqlite3 - SQLite 3 configurations plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugin-tornado-python - tornado plugin for uWSGI (Python 2)
 uwsgi-plugin-xslt - XSLT request plugin for uWSGI
 uwsgi-plugins-all - all available plugins for uWSGI
 uwsgi-src  - sources for uWSGI plugins
 uwsgi (2.0.15-5) experimental; urgency=medium
   * Simplify packaging: Stop build MongoDB/GridFS or V8 plugins, moved
     to separate source package.
   * Update package relations:
     + Fix have uwsgi-dev recommend git cppcheck.
     + Have uwsgi-core provide virtual abi package.
     + Fix have uwsgi-dev depend on uwsgi-core python.
     + Fix have uwsgi-core explicitly build-depend on zlib1g-dev.
     + Fix have uwsgi-dev depend on zlib1g-dev.
   * Include debhelper snippet and sequence with uwsgi-dev.
     Have uwsgi-dev enhance debhelper.
   * Use section httpd (not web) for most binary packages.
 28ac6142e5a588f119fbadea480b908d456c51c8 8215 uwsgi_2.0.15-5.dsc
 a2995fac4c914b7ddbd029cae80b80f93e20b520 54332 uwsgi_2.0.15-5.debian.tar.xz
 c1e754537a63f9abdad41c683d6accda9bd16ef9 40752 uwsgi_2.0.15-5_amd64.buildinfo
 e1b0f4de3b6a0823d71b59833da9ecc60e4147d4e03b0762e7118ee3d3eacf27 8215 uwsgi_2.0.15-5.dsc
 d1b912b1bbaa29370031e726f2d85a000d6292979a1da0834f46c9785fba8292 54332 uwsgi_2.0.15-5.debian.tar.xz
 57d40b6ff34dbb0c48c272bfb7177c18408613cfc7b2b98165ca32f6a3cb62ea 40752 uwsgi_2.0.15-5_amd64.buildinfo
 7c397f4ef661a9602eb594ec539368b9 8215 httpd extra uwsgi_2.0.15-5.dsc
 9239d808e533582adc7849bf68ddca30 54332 httpd extra uwsgi_2.0.15-5.debian.tar.xz
 bca426590d20d3613c92dcdb86ef3372 40752 httpd extra uwsgi_2.0.15-5_amd64.buildinfo



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