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FWD: Debian Bug Squashing Party in Tilburg, .nl, sat 2014-12-13 - sun 2014-12-14

----- Forwarded message from Joost van Baal-Ili?? <joostvb-debian-events-eu-20141201-8@mdcc.cx> -----

Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 16:02:54 +0100
From: Joost van Baal-Ili?? <joostvb-debian-events-eu-20141201-8@mdcc.cx>
To: Debian Events in Europe <debian-events-eu@lists.debian.org>
Subject: Debian Bug Squashing Party in Tilburg, .nl, sat 2014-12-13 - sun 2014-12-14
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)


On saturday 13th and sunday 14th december (in about 2 weeks) there'll be a
Debian Bug Squashing Party in Tilburg, The Netherlands.

Tilburg is about 90 minutes by train from Amsterdam.  About 150 km from
Düsseldorf.  About 125 km from Brussels.

You're all invited; of course participation is free.

Once there's a wiki-page ( at https://wiki.debian.org/BSP/ ) I'll give more
details; you'll be able to register there.  For now, please save the date!

C U in Tilburg, Bye,


We don't get paid to work on creating a good OS, we do it because 
it's fun!          Turbo Fredriksson on debian-devel, 12 Dec 2000
http://mdcc.cx/               ???                http://ad1810.com/

----- End forwarded message -----

Jawel, tot ziens in Tilburg.

Geert Stappers


Is er al een sponsor voor de de koffie (en thee)?

Leven en laten leven

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