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Re: key signing request - Nijmegen, The Netherlands

On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 12:37:59PM +0100, S.M. Claassen wrote:
> Yes, as in all major Dutch cities. . .  Count me in in any case.  I assume
> we're going to forward our respective key info beforehand to some central
> figure (Peter ;->?) who will tabulate said info and provide a number of
> copies equal to the number of key-signing participants to get the protocol
> rolling.
> 				Greetz,
> 				Sil Claassen

I have no problem collecting all fingerprints and printing them
out a bunch of times. However, it doesn't seem a very safe approach
to me. I may be wrong here, but just consider for a moment that
I happen to be the infamous Charlie. I'll then create my own key
with name, say, "S.M. Claassen", upload that key to the keyservers
and put the fingerprint of that key on the sheet. Then everyone
will happily sign the key and I can henceforth pretend to be Sil.

Ofcourse, if we all check our *own* fingerprints on the sheet that
I print, then I will be busted very quickly ;-) The problem
also goes away if we all bring our own pile of keyslips with our
own fingerprint on it.

Can anyone with more experience than me recommend one of these 

Peter van Rossum, Department of Mathematics, University of Nijmegen, 
Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Phone: +31-24-3652997,
E-mail: petervr@sci.kun.nl

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