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Debian Booth at SCALE 11x February 22-24, 2013 at the LAX Hilton (Volunteers Requested)

Once again I am running the Debian Booth at SCALE this weekend, and it
would be nice to have more volunteers for the booth. If you'd like to
help out and volunteer in the booth (for even just an hour), please
let me know by e-mail at don@debian.org.

SCALE is a pretty neat conference; if you happen to be in the LA area,
consider stopping by and checking it out! [We also have a ticket
discount code, DBIAN.]

Don Armstrong

"Because," Fee-5 explained patiently, "I was born in the fifth row.
Any fool would understand that, but against stupidity the very Gods
themselves contend in vain."
 -- Alfred Bester _The Computer Connection_ p19

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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