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2004 Linux Symposium - Call for Papers

2004 Linux Symposium - Call for Papers

Somebody intersted in giving a talk about on Debian related topic?


July 21-24th, 2004, Ottawa, Canada


   The Linux Symposium is a software development conference addressing
   the core technologies of and surrounding the Linux
   operating system kernel.

   We invite you to submit a proposal to present a technical paper, a
   tutorial, or to host a meeting during the Symposium.
   Submissions must have a strong technical bias, submissions of a
   marketing nature are inappropriate for this event.


     * Proposals will be accepted from March 1st, 2004 until March
       15th, 2004 and must be submitted using the website
     * The review committee will send out acceptance and rejection
       notifications by email by April 1st, 2004.
     * Website abstracts for accepted papers are due by April 15th,
     * Formatted final papers must arrive no later than May 15th, 2004
       to be included in the printed proceedings.



   Proposals are short one paragraph summaries of why you believe that
   your paper topic is relevant, interesting, and should
   be accepted for this conference.

Review Process

   Paper proposals will be reviewed by the Review Committee and
   accepted or rejected based on various criteria. The author
   will be notified by email of the acceptance or rejection of their



   Presentations will typically be 60 minutes in length including time
   for questions. If you feel you will need more time
   please include this in your proposal.


   An XGA (1024x786) LCD projector will be available to display output
   from a laptop computer. If you will require additional
   AV equipment please specify this in your proposal.



   Papers must be formatted using the Provided LaTeX Template (To be
   posted here shortly)


   Final papers must be submitted by email to papers at
   linuxsymposium.org in a compressed tarball format containing all
   templates, images, and scripts required.


   If you require assistance using the provided LaTeX templates please
   allow for a minimum of 2 weeks lead time prior to any
   published deadline. You may email questions to papers at
   linuxsymposium.org for assistance.

Publication Rights

   The conference requires non-exclusive publication rights to
   submitted papers including the publication of audio and video
   proceedings. Copyright is retained by the author. We do ask that we
   be the first organisation to publish any given paper.



Whenever you meet yourself you're in a time loop or in front of a mirror.

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