Dear people, once again I would like to organize a Debian event in Hamburg, and therefore I have preliminary reserved the venue of previous years from Wednesday, April 30th until Monday, May 5th 2025. For those who haven't been there, the venue is probably best described in The dates are a bit sub optimal, but I think that was the best available block, with hopefully the weather already being okish and still not too close to DebConf25 in Brest in July. As for the format, I think we should have a MiniDebConf on Saturday and Sunday & miniDebCamp for the rest. A small DayTrip maybe too, but probably not with the rest of the world on May 1st? & definitly cheese and wine! ... and/or what do y'all think? And here's a caveat: I don't want to deal with doing the budget & finances anymore, I've done it for several years, it's neither complex nor complicated, but it's just nothing I find fun. But maybe it *is* fun for someone else? :) So, is someone willing to do that? Doing it as group might also be more fun! The task needed *roughly* described are: - calculate a budget and get it approved by the DPL (see below) - get in contact with a TO, which here is Debian France and who will do the actual payments of invoices to us and who will also generate the invoices for sponsors to pay - talk to sponsors, find sponsors, etc., send invoices to sponsors. - receive invoices from venue and food supplier(s) etc - update the budget - have fun! Useful URLs are: - - - If you are interested, please reply to this email or come around on #debconf-hamburg or #debconf-germany! The budget in 2024 was 11.5k EUR with no income from sponsors, while in 2023 it was more like 15k EUR with 7k EUR income from sponsors, but the event was also bigger. For 2025 I expect *roughly* the same costs as 2023, maybe some prices were raised, so max 17k EUR ? ;) Minus whatever sponsors we get! So, what do y'all think??? -- cheers, Holger ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀ ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ holger@(debian|reproducible-builds|layer-acht).org ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ OpenPGP: B8BF54137B09D35CF026FE9D 091AB856069AAA1C ⠈⠳⣄ "Any fool can know. The point is to understand." - A. Einstein
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