Hi! Maybe somebody over here wants to give a talk there... cu AW -- [...] If you don't want to be restricted, don't agree to it. If you are coerced, comply as much as you must to protect yourself, just don't support it. Noone can free you but yourself. (crag, on Debian Planet) Arne Wichmann (aw@linux.de)
--- Begin Message ---
- To: events@debian.org
- Cc: Erol Neuhauß <erol.neuhauss@dass-it.de>
- Subject: Open Source Backup Conference in Cologne
- From: Alexander Klugmann <alexander.klugmann@dass-it.de>
- Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 17:13:54 +0200
- Message-id: <51E6B4B2.8030602@dass-it.de>
The "Open Source Backup Conference"(former Bacula Konferenz"), that takes place from 25th of September in Cologne, starts it's Call for Papers. The Conference is about Open Source BackUp Software, especially Bareos and Bacula Community Edition.
This year we'll have two parallel courses. One course with talks about different topics, the other with Live-Demos. You can still make suggestions for the talks and Live-Demos.
You can send in papers and suggestions until the 20th of August. The host is open for everything that could be exciting or interesting for the Open Source Backup Community.
Our suggestions for your talk
- Usage of Open Source Backup Software in productive environments
- Economical aspects of the transition to Open Source Backup Software
- Disaster Recovery
- Bare Metal Recovery
- Backup & Recovery
- of data bases
- of applications (p. ex. MS Exchange)
- virtual machines (p. ex. KVM, VMWare, XEN)
- Migration and replication of backups
- User success stories
- Tips and Tricks
- Storage
- Virtual Full Backup
- Monitoring
The host is open for everything that could be exciting or interesting for the Open Source Backup Community. You can send in your paper and information until the 20th of August.
The evaluation of your paper will be finished until the 28th of August.
Your information should include:
- A title
- An absctract
- Your adress (e-mail, mobile, corporation, position)
- A short CV
in pdf format.
The presentation will be held in German or English.
We already know, that Marco van Wieringen (very active on this mailing and especially at the Bareos code) and Philipp Storz (the author of the book http://www.bacula-buch.de/, also available in English) will participate.
The documents of the presentation will be uploaded to the website after the conference.
Please send in your papers to: cfp@osbconf.org
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