Re: Booth at Chemnitzer Linux Tage 2012
On 12/18/2011 01:03 PM, Arne Wichmann wrote:
> A late reply - I am a bit delayed for non-urgent tasks at the moment.
> begin quotation from Luca Capello (in <>):
>> As a final side note: as announced in the past, feel free to contact the
>> Debian Events team for any question like this one. While we monitor the
>> debian-events-*@ mailing lists, in no way these should be the central
>> point for anything event-related:
>> <>
> I do not like the way things are handled in that mail. I do not feel that
> centralization is a good idea for event handling, but this is what is being
> done: is an interface in which I as non-DD can not
> participate in. is global and very
> unsorted and not very usable to alert me to what is happening.
> is low-traffic and not moderated - I can
> follow what is happening there, and take part without relying on a
> centralized team. Any mechanism which replaces it should at least have
> these qualities.
Strong ack. Organizing events should not be happening behind the scenes.
Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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