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Re: Lenny Release Party in Switzerland - Menu

Hi all,

here is a proposal for the menu :

	Crêpes [0]

I will manage to have a lot of different things to put on top (cheese, ham, 
sweets, …) but it would be über-cool if each of you could bring either an first 
plate (peanuts, Debian cookies, wine, whatever) or a dessert (use your 
imagination). It shares the costs and brings fun ! :)

If nobody objects to the crêpes, I will go shopping tomorrow. I could also 
manage a fondue or a raclette (though more expensive), just ask (early) !

Best regards from the not-so-sunny-yet Corseaux !


[0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crêpe

Didier Raboud, proud Debian user.
CH-1802 Corseaux

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