Call for Papers for LinuxTag 2009
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On behalf of LinuxTags conference team I kindly ask you to spread the
news on the Call for Papers within your project on all available
channels. As you know LinuxTag is Europe's leading event for Linux and
Open Source where presentations on your project should not be missing.
As said last year, LinuxTag would like to have a full day track
dedicated to Debian. Thus you should try to get even double the amount
of proposals for LinuxTag's conference submitted by colleagues from your
project as last year.
Find the CfP attached or in the web:
Probably someone could forward this link or the message to the developer
Thank you very much for your support!
Best regards,
PS. As already mentioned before, the Call for Projects (CfPro) will
start in about two months. Stay tuned - we keep you posted.
PPS. The deadline is very close, but I would not mind late submissions
for Debian related topics if they get submitted till February 15th.
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
Call for Papers
for the
15th International LinuxTag
June 24â??27, 2009 Berlin Fairgrounds, Germany
LinuxTag gets people not just to use free software, but to live
it. Speakers at LinuxTag present useful, interesting topics that
indicate coming trends. Free software permits real cost savings â?? will
the financial crisis put not employees, but proprietary solutions out
of a job? The read-write society and the many-eyes principle have
shown that sheer mass of users and developers leads to innovative,
high-quality products. Examples include Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap and
the Linux kernel itself. The program committee for the 15th LinuxTag
is seeking proposals for the lecture program on topics including, but
not limited to, the following:
- Open hardware,
- Software and development,
- Application examples and case studies,
- Free software in education, research, and administration,
- Collaboration among several projects and initiatives, and
- Cool New Inventions and Experiments (CNIE).
In addition, LinuxTag has chosen three core themes for its 2009
conference program. The program committee is seeking proposals on
these themes in particular:
- Mobility: Small devices are driving dynamic Linux growth. How are
netbooks and smart phones shifting the operating systemâ??s image?
What are developers up to right now?
- Processes: Free software supports the increasingly complex
processes in businesses today. How does it ensure scalability,
flexibility and security?
- Responsibility: Many IT users are concerned with the ramifications
of information technology. What makes for cost effective and
energy-efficient computing? What do we know about the social and
economic aspects of free software?
In addition, the program committee will consider all other proposals
on Linux and open-source-related themes. Inquiries may be addressed to
the committee by e-mail. Unannounced proposal submissions are also
welcome, however.
What Is Expected of Speakers
The Free Lecture Program is organized in several tracks that take
place simultaneously. The tracks are aimed at audiences interested in
both technical and social aspects of open-source software. As a
speaker, you should be an expert in your field â?? for example, an
active member of your project or initiative, a developer, or a member
of a pertinent profession, such as a lawyer.
The user-oriented lecture series presents selected applications and
provides practical help for day-to-day work with Linux systems. As a
speaker in this section, you should have a demonstrable aptitude for
understandable communication. The Business and Government Agencies
lecture series features application examples and case studies on the
professional use of Linux and open source software. The presentations
in this section are aimed at interested, qualified representatives of
businesses and government agencies. Speakers in this section generally
report on experiences in their work with service providers and other
private and public-sector organizations. Each presentation is alloted
a total of 60 minutes, including questions and answers and set-up time
for the following talk. Other time frames are possible in special
circumstances by arrangement with the program committee.
Speaker Acceptance Procedure
If you would like to be a speaker, you can submit key information on
your proposal electronically through in the Virtual Conference Center
(vCC) at You do not need to submit the
full text of your presentation in your initial response to this Call
for Papers. The LinuxTag website contains additional tips for
optimizing the content of presentations. Presentations and proposals
can be in German or English. The abstract accompanying your proposal
should be in the same language as the proposed presentation. Choose
the language in which you can best express yourself. The program
committee especially welcomes submissions in English, since LinuxTag
is an international event. After the deadline for submissions, the
program committee will evaluate the abstracts submitted with regard to
content, clarity and technical depth. LinuxTag will then notify you if
your proposal is accepted, and will provide a style sheet to guide you
in preparing a full written version of your presentation â?? generally
about ten pages of text â?? in the Open Document Format (ODF). This is
the version that will appear in the conference proceedings. You may
also submit presentation slides. From this point on, presentations and
author information are submitted only through the vCC. The program
committee does not accept such information by e-mail. If the full
version differs drastically in form or content from the accepted
abstract, the program committee reserves the right to reject the
submission. Authors who submit their presentations only in a format
other than ODF, such as HTML, PDF, LaTeX or a proprietary format,
cannot apply for remuneration of accommodation or travel expenses.
Use of Submitted Presentations
LinuxTag e. V. and its partners must be granted a perpetual, full,
non-exclusive license to use the presentation submitted, and to
publish it in electronic and other forms, including digital form on
CD, DVD, or the Internet, and in print. A list of recognized licenses
that fulfill these requirements is available for authors to choose
from. The titles and abstracts of presentations and the authors' names
and biographical sketches will be published in the conference program
on the LinuxTag website and in the printed program, if any, upon
acceptance by the program committee. The actual presentation may be
recorded audiovisually. The resulting recording will be subject to the
same license conditions as the submitted presentation text. By
submitting a presentation, you express your assent to these
conditions. Submissions that are subject to any restrictions or
reservations, such as non-disclosure agreements for example, cannot be
considered and will not be evaluated. The submissions and their
contents will be treated confidentially until the proposal has been
accepted. The evaluations will be kept in strict confidence, and will
be accessible only to members of the program committee. The committee
will endeavor as far as possible to give every applicant feedback on
the proposal submitted. Upon inquiry, the program committee will be
happy to clarify the results of its evaluation.
Speakers at LinuxTag
LinuxTag offers all speakers free admission to its exclusive evening
social event, LinuxNacht. Additional admission tickets for partners
can be purchased. On request, LinuxTag will be happy to reserve a
hotel room in the official speakers' hotel for each speaker who
submits a presentation promptly in the specified format. Limited funds
are available to subsidize speakers' accommodation and travel
expenses. Speakers can apply for aid from this fund. Where granted,
such aid generally covers the cost of up to two nights' accommodation
with breakfast, regardless of the number of presentations given. In
case of joint presentations by several speakers, expenses are limited
to one room with double occupancy for two nights. Special rates are
available for subsequent nights at your own expense. The available
speaker accommodations cannot be exchanged for other forms of
remuneration, since LinuxTag reserves the rooms as a block. LinuxTag
normally does not reimburse travel expenses. However, limited funds
are available to aid participants who cannot otherwise meet the cost
of travel to LinuxTag. Many companies are willing to pay an employee's
travel expenses in return for an acknowledgment on a slide at the end
of the presentation, for example. All requests for travel aid must be
submitted by the deadline specified below. LinuxTag cannot guarantee
that any specific amount will be reimbursed. In most cases, the aid
granted covers only part of the actual travel expenses. Expenses are
reimbursed only after the event on presentation of original documents
such as railway or airline tickets or gasoline receipts.
Important Deadlines
LinuxTag reserves the right to revoke invitations if submission
deadlines are not met.
Submission deadline for proposals: February 8, 2009.
Notification of acceptance or rejection: March 7, 2009.
Submission deadline for travel aid requests: March 21, 2009.
Submission deadline for full versions: April 11, 2009.
All submissions are due by 11:59 p.m. UTC on the given date.
Examples of possible subjects of LinuxTag presentations include, but
are not limited to:
Software development, system administration, GNOME, KDE, Linux
desktops virtualization, databases, security, networking, kernel
development, drivers, subsystems, corporate applications, multimedia,
video, audio, Linux distributions, mobile applications, embedded
systems, wikis, blogs, podcasts, remixing, mashups, *2.0, How-tos for
novices, social and economic issues, document management, data
centers, storage, HA, maps, geoinformation systems, web development,
web languages, migrations, success stories, medicine, and health care.
Contact Us
LinuxTag 2009 on the web:
LinuxTag Virtual Conference Center (vCC):
Program committee:
Exhibitors' liaison:
Berlin, Germany:
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