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Re: Question about being an exhibitor at Dreamhack Winter 2008

see answers below.

On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 1:01 PM, Wouter Verhelst <wouter@debian.org> wrote:
On Sun, Apr 06, 2008 at 08:22:45PM +0200, _max_ wrote:
> Greetings Debian event team!
> I'm known as _max_ , and i am one of the volunteers who work for Dreamhack.
> Currently the worlds largest LAN festival.
> Currently at dreamhack there is a great absence of Scene, Hacking and Linux.
> However this is something that we are -really- trying to change.
> Me and a few other people who work for Dreamhack are trying to bring
> together people to create a linux section for dreamhack, At Elmia (the
> exhibition center dreamhack is held in) there is a area called "E area", in
> this area we want to achieve 4 things.
> 1. A Keynote/Hearing area where different distributions, security people,
> hacking people, scene people can give lectures, hold hearings and keynotes
> with a bigscreen projector and pa system.
> 2. A Distro area, an area where many large distributions have their own
> small areas with some pc's setup with their distro, where people can have a
> hands on experience, and be told why they should use specifically that
> distribution. Hopefully these pc's will be sponsored by one of Dreamhacks
> hardware sponsors.
> 3. A hacking area, where we have setup different operating systems with
> price money upon finding a system exploit.

This is really a "cracking" area, I gather :)

hehe, well.... depends on how you look at it i guess :)

> 4. A Chill lounge with lots of beanbags, sofas and tables where people can
> sit down and just talk about the good stuff in life :)
> So my question to Debian is if there are any people that are interested in
> coming to Sweden for a 4 day event, where they can talk and spread the word
> of Linux.

It might help if you could give a bit more information:
- Where exactly will Dreamhack happen? (city, ...)

Jönköping/Sweden, feed maps.google.com with "elmia" and it will show you the exact position of the exhibition center.

- When will this event take place?

27-30th november

- Is this a free event, or is there an entrance fee?

Dreamhack will, to be able to rent the space that the linux/scene area have to get money from somewhere, however im trying to get sponsors/linux distro's that are backed by enterprises (novell, rhel, canonical) to pay for this. People that come and rent a computerseat at the event pay a fee (72 euro i belive for 4 days) and visitors pay 10 euro a day normaly, exhibitors ofcourse gain entry for free, and im trying to make sure linux ppl also gain access to the restricted Crew Area where you can sleep and eat free food.

- ...

Depending on budget and time constraints, I might be interested in

> Sofar distributions such as Ubuntu, Redhat, SuSE, Gentoo have been
> contacted, trying to get in touch with some more though :)
> If anyone would like to come, are these people skilled in keynote/talking in
> front of people?
> Does Debian have a budget for PR? If not we might have a solution for this.

No; Debian is an all-volunteer organization, and PR usually happens
because volunteers want to provide it.

If you have any more questions/thoughts please dont hesitate to hit me back!


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 -- #debian-devel, Freenode, 2004-09-22

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