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Re: LinuxTag 2007: booth and debian day(s)


Noèl Köthe wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 08.02.2007, 16:13 +0100 schrieb Marko Jung|LinuxTag:
>> just to inform you, that the CfPro for this year's LinuxTag has startet 
>> recently.
> Because I couldn't read something else on events-eu.
> Did somebody registered a booth for Debian at the Linuxtag 2007, Berlin?

Formorer already registered a booth several days ago. And I think i can
speak for the program commitee and say that Debian will be accepted ;-)

I think we should start planing the Debian days. I would prefer one day
with user/admin specific presentations and at least another one with a
focus on development. Although the Call for Papers officially ended a
week ago, I would like to encourage you to submit your talks using the
Virtual Conference Center (vcc) [1]. Please use the 'Debian Day'
category for a better identification.


[1] http://www.linuxtag.org/vcc/


LinuxTag - where .com meets .org
        30.05.-2.06.2007 - Messegelaende unter dem Funkturm, Berlin


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