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OpenExpo 2008 Bern -- call for helpers

Dear lists,

Next year's OpenExpo Bern takes place on 12/13 March. Debian has
been given space for a booth, as before. We even have someone in
charge — thanks to René Stegmaier!

Now we need people helping out, the more the better. Standing at the
booth requires answering questions about Debian, generally talking
with visitors, passing out CDs and possibly selling T-shirts and
other merchandise. It's actually a fun job (at least I think so),
but not if you are the only one and have noone to take over when you
want/need to take a break.

Thus, if you are thinking about attending OpenExpo in Bern, consider
helping out. Or just go to the conference to help out. Attendance is
free and we can arrange a travel reimbursement, if needed.

Please talk to René <rene@rr47.de> if you are interested.


martin | http://madduck.net/ | http://two.sentenc.es/
"a fundamentalist is someone who hates sin more than he loves virtue."
                                                     -- john h. schaar
spamtraps: madduck.bogus@madduck.net

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