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Re: FOSDEM 2007 -- sharing a Devroom?

On Sun, Oct 29, 2006 at 08:51:01AM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Wouter Verhelst <wouter@debian.org> [2006.10.29.0118 +0200]:
> > The FOSDEM organizers have asked me whether we'd be okay with sharing a
> > Developer's room together with the people from Ubuntu.
> What's the motivation? Aren't there enough devrooms? Or are you
> afraid we can't fill the schedule?

I'm not afraid we can't fill the schedule; but based on previous
experience, I'm not totally convinced we can do it, either. I'd probably
have to ask a bit more persistently if I had to do a full schedule.

However, the question came from the FOSDEM organizers, not from me, so
the motivation is probably the first, rather than not going to be able
to fill a schedule. I just added that bit to clarify some things.

> If either of those is yes, then my answers to sharing with Ubuntu
> would be yes/no respectively -- I certainly think we can fill the
> schedule (and would be prepared to do my part), but I don't want to
> occupy too much space, which is what I think you're hinting at.


> That said, it *would* be cool to have a full-day, moderated event
> for information exchange between Debian and Ubuntu devels. I just
> wouldn't like it if we more prominent Ubuntu developers than Debian
> folks, so it should be kept roughly equal.

Yes, I agree. Incidentally, I happen to know the person who's going to
do the Ubuntu side of the devroom pretty well (Jan Claeys; he's quite
prominent in the Belgian Linux scene, like myself); I don't expect any
problems in coordinating with him on those areas.

<Lo-lan-do> Home is where you have to wash the dishes.
  -- #debian-devel, Freenode, 2004-09-22

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