Re: feedback form
> Personally, I cannot announce something if I am not 100% sure that it
> will happen. I haven't announce the sarge release yet, because... No,
> that's a bad example. I know that most probably I won't be able to
> evalue the forms on my own, and nobody has volunteered yet, so I can't
> announce that the results will be published. If nobody steps up to do
> the work *sigh* the results may as well be lost.
> I'd like to put the results online, of course, next to the Debian
> schedule would be best, a link to somewhere else would be sufficient.
I had the impression that Alexander had agreed to do that.
>>Anybody up for building a feedback box where the feedback forms could
>>> be collected?
>>> Anybody up for evaluating the feedback forms and making available
>>> the collected data digitally?
> Yes, yes.
Anyway, if I got that wrong I guess I could offer to do the evaluation.
Now all we needed would be a nice mail box or something for people to
drop the forms in. So, if someone of you technically gifted people could
come up with anything box-like, I'd take the forms home after the weekend
and compile some nice data for an online presentation plus some more
detailed information for the speakers themselves.
Meike Reichle - University of Hildesheim
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