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Re: Debian at Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2005

On Monday 07 March 2005 22:52, Noèl Köthe wrote:
> Hello,
> some lines about the Debian presence at the "Chemnitzer Linuxtage"
> in Chemnitz, germany:
> http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2005/info/
> http://www.de.debian.org/events/2005/0305-linuxtag-chemnitz
> Debian booth:
> http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2005/live/detail.html?idx=53
> We (Andreas Müller and me from Debian) arrived on Fr 2005-03-04.
> Silke Reimer and Martin Loschwitz were already there and setting up
> the hardware which was send to Chemnitz by a conveyance from Daniel
> Priem. The silver box was well known by the organisation team
> because it produced a little trouble but not too much.:) It was
> delivered two days to early (We) to the wrong building of the
> university and the organisation stuff had to carry them with 4 men
> by hand. The orga guys weren't angry about it just unhappy about
> the additional work. Our booth contained 2 PCs, one with a beamer
> and one with a TFT and we showed the Debian installer. Most of the
> people asked "When will sarge be release?".;) Someone in a
> non-Debian talk told the audience they should go to the Debian
> booth and ask for the release date. As always some asked for the
> difference to SuSE or how they could solve this and that problem
> with Debian. I tried to kick people away who just want to read
> e-mails at the booth instead of helping and talking to interested
> visitors. Saturday evening was the social event with a big buffet
> and we had fun. After we eat everything Alexander Schmehl arrived
> from china.;) On Sunday from 14:00h to the end of the event (room
> V5) the Debian talks were given but I cannot tell anything about it
> because I were at the booth.
> At the booth we gave away Debian flyer and all the remaining
> Linuxtag 2004 DVD we had (ca 250). We sold the remaining T-Shirts
> from FOSDEM on Saturday, 36 keychains and 44 Debian posters.
> This results to 489,44€
> The money of the keychains will go back to Jörg Jaspers and of the
> black T-Shirts to Andreas Müller.
> The rest (donotation + income from posters + money from white
> T-Shirts) will be transferd to Joey/FFIS (http://www.ffis.de/) who
> has the Debian money in germany.
> It was again a great event. thx Chemnitz.
Some additions from the other side of the fair hall. :-)

We, skolelinux.de / debian-edu, where 18 people at the skolelinux 
booth. And we where very busy all the time.

There have been a lot of interested people, teachers, pupils and also 
representives of small IT companies who had a lot questions about 
skolelinux. This year the questins where much deeper than last year. 
More and more people know about Skolelinux and there where a lot of 
teachers who made their first experiences by their own installing and 
evaluating skolelinux. So the questions are getting a better and 
deeper quality from event to event.

What was amazing for me where some youngster fellows who visited our 
booth and who where so enthusiastic talking about Free Software and 
the experiences they made using and study it. If this will be some 
kind of forecast to the future I believe there are very strong 
fellows comming up who will promote and support free software in some 

Some of them where interested in our new FSFE fellowship programm I 
was able to present at the event. I didn't expect this at all from 
such young people. But most of them where very sad that they are not 
able to participate cause of the EUR 60,- students and pupils have to 
donate. I think this is a point wher we have to think about once 
more, that has to be changed. I would like to have some kind of 
junior-fellow status every five junior fellows are moderated by one 
of us, could be called a fellow tutor. May be this would be an idea 
for a special interest group, some kind of fellowship-kindergarden. 
Anyone interested to start such a fellowship project?

If the motivation would be a scale for what their enthusiasm is worth 
I would see it worth EUR 120,- minimum. If theese youngsters would be 
as old as we are I would be _very_ afraid when I am this special 
company. You will know which company I'm talking about. ;-)

We all like to thank the organisators of Linuxtag Chemnitz for their 
hospitality and the good backstage catering they gave us.

You did a grat job!

Here we should have some musik, Manfred mans Earth Band, 'Fanfare for 
a common man' or something like that.

BTW. Don't know how all the others may see it, but i think that we 
become better and better from event to event promoting Free Software 
and Debian GNU/Linux. 

Jungs unn deerns et was een groote plesier...

cu at CeBIT, 

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