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Debian Day Schedule / abstracts missing

Moin everybody,

here's the schedule for the Debian Day during LinuxTag as it is noted
in the workshop schedule:

    Donnerstag, 24.6.

    Time                R 2.05               
    10:00| Custom Debian Distribution rel... 
         |           Andreas Tille           
    11:00| Vollautomatische Linux-Install... 
         |           Thomas Lange            
    12:00|          Debian GNU/Hurd          
         |           Michael Banck           
    13:00|   Patch management with dpatch    
         |           Gergely Nagy            
    14:00|   Linux Kernel, the Debian way    
         |           Jonathan Oxer           
    15:00|       New Features of Sarge       
         |         Alexander Schmehl         
    16:00|    Debian-Installer Internals     
         |         Gaudenz Steinlein         
    17:00| Building a Repository Infrastr... 
         |       Daniel Atencio Psille       

Not all abstracts were added to the talks yet.  Hence, please provide
some content so visitors can get an idea about the topic before
actually attending the talk.

All speakers that are also registrated as booth members should be able
to edit their talk at http://www.infodrom.org/LinuxTag/ on their own.

If that's too difficult for you, feel free to send Joerg, Alex or
me an abstract.

You may use simple HTML markup.



If nothing changes, everything will remain the same.  -- Barne's Law

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