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Re: Flyer update

* Michael Banck <mbanck@debian.org> [2004-06-09 16:32]:
> BTW, is there a list for requesting translations of Debian-related
> stuff which is not on cvs.debian.org?

 Partly. debian-i18n could be seen as a central translation hints pool,
I guess. Although it is called i18n people from many languages are there
and can pick up hints and take them to their debian-l10n-<language>
list. Or you could request translations/updates directly on the
debian-l10n-<language> list.

 I guess it would be a _great_ idea to put something like a
Last-Translator and Language-Team comment (like for po files) into the
tex files, to have a contact address.

> AFAICT, the flyer is on infodrom.org.

 They are on our webpage, too. But not in CVS there, right.

> Should it be moved to cvs.debian.org's webwml repository?

 The thing is, that most things below the events/materials directory are
quite huge and don't really need revision control (huge PDFs and PS
files) and thus were removed from CVS -- they were in there before but
made problems for the translators because the cvs up got timeouts in
some environments (beside that they are of no value to the translators
and "waste" diskspace...).

> Would that make sure the translation gets updated upon commit?

 Not really. There would still be human interaction needed, we don't
have translation robots, sorry.

 And the stattrans.pl script has to be tweaked to allow detection of
translation-check in the tex files (and detect the tex files themselves,

> Is there a deadline for submitting the .pdf? I'll try to go over it
> again tomorrow for some more improvements. Any wishlists?

 Did we make the deadline, btw.? I've read that Michael said something
about friday, and we finished friday (thanks to #debian.de mob :) but
I am not sure if they made it?

 Michael (Meskes), btw., I've got a comment about your printed versions:
They are missing the lower and right black frame line. I know its not
possible for this time anymore, but could this be fixed? If not, could
the left and upper black frame lines be left out from the printings,
too? Either all or none, especially because the red dots in the left
column look a little awkward directly on the frame line anyway.

 So long,
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