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Re: Cheap accomodation in Oslo

* Martin Michlmayr 

| * Andreas Schuldei <andreas@schuldei.org> [2003-02-28 13:58]:
| > > I think there's a great demand for really cheap accomodation in Oslo.
| > > I wondered if it wouldn't be possible to get a gym hall where we could
| > > sleep for free (similar to what we have at LinuxTag).
| > 
| > Everyone is aware of the free camping opportunitys?
| Erm, nope.  I didn't know this has been mentioned before and I cannot
| find anything on the web page.

It hasn't been mentioned, except some on IRC.  In .no, everybody is
allowed to camp in the woods (provided you behave appropriately).  If
you walk for ~20-30 minutes into the woods (from the tram, which is
10-15 minutes away from the university), you should be quite alone.
Find a pond or a small lake and provided there's good weather, you
should be able to bathe there, else we'll have to do some clever stuff
wrt showering and such.  It'd be good if ilmari could check with a
school or something, if nothing else, then as a backup plan.  (Ilmari:
could you check with Ris and Vinderen, I can check with Fagerborg (I
know people at Fagerborg), both are quite close.)

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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