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Re: Language of talks at LinuxTag

Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > Several talks were already delivered in English.  Even if the talk
> > was held in German, most speakers could be questioned afterwards
> > in English.
> Well, I hope I made it clear that it was not my personal opinion
> (I just nor realized) but I was forewarding the reason I heared why
> some people here in Oslo did not even thought about coming to Karlsruhe.
> I've thought this would be of greater interest.  Asking questions
> after a talk which I did not understand a word does not make any sense.

I'm unsure that it is the job of LinuxTag Team to teach visitors to
drop by at the speaker and tell him that they did not understand a
word but that the subject was interesting and ask him whether he would
be willing to explain it in English.  I don't think we have to teach
people to open their mouth.  I'm very sorry this seems to be a problem
for some people.



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