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Re: FOSDEM booth

On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 23:32, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> * Russell Coker <russell@coker.com.au> [2003-02-04 22:55]:
> > Martin, are you the person who is managing this?  If not then who is?
> I've been offered a stand for Debian, but I'm too busy right now to
> manage this.  If you are someone else would be willing to coordinate
> things, that would be appreciated.

I'm also very busy right now.  Perhaps Remi would be a good person to 
co-ordinate this?  Remi has an advantage by being more attached to Belgium 
than either of us (whether the .be in the email address means a citizen or a 
resident of Belgium it's surely a greater connection to the country than I 
have).  Being "local" does help in running such a stand, local knowledge will 
make it easier to arrange things (being able to refer people to local LUGs, 
help arrange meetings, etc), and I think it gives a better feel for visitors 
to the booth.

I don't think that being a developer is at all required for this, happy users 
are always good people to do such things (often better than developers).

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