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[till.kamppeter@gmx.net: Re: Einladung fuer "Foomatic/Linuxprinting.org-Datenbank-Workshop" auf dem LinuxTag]


I get this mail from Kurt Pfeifle (one of the cups/KDEprint people) 
and he invite to a workshop. 

Maybe I will visit this workshop. But I am not a printer expert. Till
translate the mail and maybe someone others can go to this workshop...

----- Forwarded message from Till Kamppeter <till.kamppeter@gmx.net> -----

Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 19:29:32 +0200
From: Till Kamppeter <till.kamppeter@gmx.net>
To: kpfeifle@danka.de
CC: Michael Bramer <grisu@debian.org>, k1pfeifle@gmx.net
Subject: Re: Einladung fuer "Foomatic/Linuxprinting.org-Datenbank-Workshop" auf dem LinuxTag

Kurt Pfeifle wrote:
> Michael Bramer wrote:
>> und vielleicht auch in English?
> Vielleicht kann Till das Einladungsschreiben uebersetzen? Ich schaffe es
> derzeit nicht mehr...

It's no problem:

I want to invite you to discuss about a distribution-independent 
cooperation regarding the printer compatibility database of 
linuxprinting.org on the LinuxTag in Karlsruhe.

As you probably know the database and its Foomatic toolkit is already 
used in most GNU/Linux distributions, but often in a very restricted and 
passive way. Various printer driver projects -- Omni (IBM, more than 400 
supported models), GIMP-Print (Manufacturer-independent, 130 models), 
HPIJS (HP, all HP inkjet printers) -- already prepare their data for 
Foomatic and contribute it to the database. Foomatic uses a simple XML 
format to store the datasets of printers, drivers, and options.

The most known and most widely used application for the Foomatic 
database is the web site linuxprinting.org where the end user chooses 
his printer model and his spooler and gets configuration files generated 
online, which he downloads and installs to make his printer working.

But the Foomatic tools do much more.

The least known and up to now only very rarely used application is the 
following: Foomatic tools can automatically generate from the database 
configuration files (PPDs in case of CUPS) for all known free spoolers 
(CUPS PPR, LPD, GNUlpr, LPRng, PDQ). They can even generate ready-to-use 
printer queues. If a queue is set up with the Foomatic configuration 
files and filter scripts, one can apply device-specific options to any 
print job and this works even with the original commands of the spoolers.

The perhaps most advanced utility, "foomatic-configure", sets up printer 
queues for all spoolers with a unique syntax. The generated 
configuration files contain data in a certain "meta syntax" which is 
translated into the spooler's own data format. If one wants to switch to 
another spooler, one can overtake one's printer queues with simple 
commands (also "foomatic-configure"). The queues are automatically 
converted to the new spooler's format.

So Foomatic is a perfect starting point for frontend developments of 
distributions, where printer configurations are generated once and they 
are re-used for all supported spoolers.

I don't reveal any secret telling that the KDE project supports Foomatic 
  and foomatic-configure in KDEPrint.

Foomatic has already the maturity for production use, now it is the time 
for developing new, more advanced features, as migrating all queues to a 
new spooler with a single command, "option profiles" (as "draft", 
"office document", "photo", ...) with all individual options set for the 
appropriate printing task, option conflict handling (as duplex on 

Now there is the opportunity to take part in the further development of 

Maintaining linuxprinting.org and the development of Foomatic is 
actively done by only very few persons (90% done by Till). This should 
be changed soon.

On the LinuxTag we want to present the internal database structure and 
the tools using this database. It should be discussed about how to make 
Foomatic to a common project of all GNU/Linux distributions.

Due to the strategic importance of the subject "Printing" for the 
enterprise desktop not only GNU/Linux in general, but also every 
individual distribution will benefit.

For this reason I have initiated a workshop where Till kamppeter, 
maintainer of linuxprinting.org, will present the general concept of 
Foomatic, the current state of the development, and the planned 
improvements. Michael Goffioul, developer of KDEPrint, has also 
confirmed his participation.

We have planned the following:

* Interested participants of the workshop with appropriate knowledge 
will get write access to the CVS of the Foomatic database.

* We want to discuss about the direction of the development of the 
Foomatic tools.

* We want to make printer manufacturers releasing the PPD/UPDF files 
under a free license so that we can publish them for download at a 
central point (linuxprinting.org) and that they can be freely 
distributed in GNU/Linux distributions.

* We are searching for mirrors for the database.

|| The workshop takes place on Saturday, June 8, 2002, 10am - 12pm on 
the LinuxTag in Karlsruhe. ||

If you cannot come by yourself or if you are not the right person for 
this subject, feel free to forward this mail to your co-workers.

Please mail to BOTH Kurt and Till, because Kurt is on the SANE 2002 in 
the Netherlands, and so he has not always mail access.

Mail to

    Till Kamppeter (till.kamppeter@gmx.net)
    Kurt Pfeifle (kpfeifle@danka.de AND k1pfeifle@gmx.net)

Please tell us other "candidates" to be invited or simply forward this 
mail. We also accept that you put the mail on appropriate mailing lists.

Ich wuerde mich freuen, falls Du mir Vorschlaege fuer weitere "Kandidaten"
machst, oder die Mail gleich weiterleitest. Ich habe auch nichts dagegen,
wenn Du es auf einer eventuell vorhandenen internen oder sonstwie Dir 
erscheinendan Mailingliste weiter-postest


    Kurt Pfeifle & Till Kamppeter

>> Wie ist
>> die Arbeitssprache beim Treffen?
> Wir sind flexibel. Wir koennen auch gerne von vorneherein auf English 
> gehen.

The slides I am already preparing in English.


----- End forwarded message -----
Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer      http://www.debsupport.de
PGP: finger grisu@db.debian.org  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
"Ein Computer ist nunmal ein Hochgeschwindigkeitstrottel."
                  -- Jens Dittmar in de.comp.os.unix.linux.newusers

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