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Re: Debian @ HCT 2003

On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 10:59:55PM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
> Werner Heuser wrote:
> > ....
> > > What about extending it to "Free Software on Mobile Devices" with
> > > Debian as the preferred collection of FS?
> > 
> > Yes I will consider that. But I need some time to prepare the talk.
> > How long has the talk to be? I would prefer half an hour.
> Last year there were slots of one hour, but they expected you to only
> talk 30 minutes, and they acted strangely if you talked longer than
> that, 15mins were reserved for discussions and questions after the talk.

So would like to do the talk. What do I have to achieve now? Are there
other talks from the Linux community already?


|=| Werner Heuser = Keplerstr. 11A = D-10589 Berlin = Germany
|=| <wehe_AT_mobilix.org>      T. 0049 - (0)30 - 349 53 86
|=| http://MobiliX.org         UniX on Mobile Systems: HOWTOs,Software
|=| http://Xtops.DE            Laptops+PDAs pre-installed with UniX
|*| This is no time for phony rhetoric -- Lou Reed

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