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WEBB.IT in Padova - itay: DAY 1

hi *,

at 1:42 AM a quick report about the first webb.it day. we (Dabian) share
the booth (3x7m) with a nice guy from openbsd. he has much better
merchandise but we sold much more t-shirts. ;) a lot of people came and
asked about Debian: most of them didn't know about linux or free
software either and were immediately indoctrinated. we distributed
around 100 flyers in just an afternon. some thousand visitors are
expected in the next two days.

the debian island was quite empty of "resident" people but at now there
are 12-15 people all running debian or at least gnu/linux. some more are
expected for tomorrow and sunday.

after all this first day was great, i'll put online some pictures when i
have some free time.

for ore information: http://www.webb.it/

good night,

Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact        fog@debian.org
INIT.D Developer                                           fog@initd.org
     One key. One input. One enter. All right. -- An american consultant
           (then the system crashed and took down the *entire* network)

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