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Posters for LinuxTag


a long while ago I offered to print any poster for LinuxTag mailed to
me... Anyway, I've checked out Joeys posters and I do like
overview-general/debian.tex and update/update.tex[1] but there's a
small problem with it: only the Acrobat-Reader (yuck!) is capable of
printing on our A0-printer without producing strange borders :-( As
you all may know, acroread doesn't load .ps-files despite the fact
that it should understand PostScript... If I use pdflatex instead of
latex I get errors like "Non-PDF special ignored!" and both the
background and the images (!) are missing. ps2pdf sucks as well
because it punches out an A4-sized part of the poster and converts
just that. I'll try to find an option to resize the stuff to A4 in the
next hour (the printer automagically scales everything to A0)...

Anyway, right now I'm printing the following posters:


It's two versions of the world-map because I don't know yet[2] how
each version will look in A0.

Why do I tell you this? First of all, please have a look at [1] to
find errors/corrections and tell me. Also tell me if we need more
posters and in this case, send me files. We don't want to have a
white-only booth, do we?

By the way, please have a look at
http://www.de.debian.org/events/materials/posters/. Should we print
one of them as well? Modifications?


[1] Joey sent the URL to the posters quite a while ago:

[2] Printing an A0-poster needs about 20 minutes and the printer is in
    annother building...

Thimo Neubauer <thimo@debian.org>
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 frozen! See http://www.debian.org/ for details

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